Our Story

"The wineskin is a type of vessel. Throughout Scripture, vessels are symbols for people. For Christians, there is an “old man” and a “new man.” The old man represents the life we had before conversion, and the new man, the new vessel, is the life that comes because of conversion. But if we take the expansive and dynamic new wine, and we attempt to put that into the old life, we can be sure that we will have a disaster on our hands." - 

~taken from the  Forerunner Commentary - Bible Tools.org

The Bible declares many things about the "New Wine". The main theme behind this term is GROWTH. In this GROWING there can be two outcomes...Either it will be positive or negative.  Throughout, God wants the former. He promises good things to those who will take heed and not only willing but obedient to be able to eat the good of the land. 

Even as we are being willing AND obedient the enemy to our soul stands by for the 'More opportune Time' to strike and spoil.  Jesus said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Jn 10:10 NKJV 

We must put the New Wine into new wineskins so neither is destroyed.

Our ministry is predominantly Prophetic Teaching as Vern & Donna are dedicated to bring forth the Truth that heals.